
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Tomb Raider 2013

Almost everybody knows Lara Croft, even those people that don’t really play games. At least they have heard that name before, probably through the movies with Angelina Jolie. In 2013 Square Enix rebooted the whole series and created a game that is so immersive beyond just the exploring of dungeons and ruins. It depicts how the Lara Croft of old, the tough archeologist, came to be. I know the old games, I played a few, but they never really hooked me. If it had not been for a promo code that came with an AMD video card I probably wouldn’t even own Tomb Raider.

Friday, October 9, 2015

YouTube Video Quality - Resolution Dependance

If you’re one of those guys or girls that share their video gameplay on YouTube as a Let’s Play then you are probably very interested in how good the video looks once uploaded to and processed by YouTube. YouTube encodes every video you throw at it, every single one, in order to have it in all the available resolutions and, more importantly, in a format that can be streamed and displayed by their web video player. With another step of encoding being done, a step where you have no control over, a lot of quality is getting lost because of the rather low bitrates YouTube chooses, especially for modern games that are visually very complex. How can you get around that?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dragon Age Origins: What an Awesome Game

The last time that I’ve written about a computer game dates quite a while back. To be exact, it was the 29th of September 2013 and I discussed the Borderlands franchise (of which I’m currently doing a co-op Let’s Play). Before that I wrote about Torchlight and before that Diablo 3 (several times). I don’t know what took me so long, but I guess I was simply busy playing the games rather than writing about them. Dragon Age Origins, however, made me feel about a game like no other did before and I just have to tell you about this.